The Oregon Trail Overnight is Tuesday, and I couldn't be more excited! This trip has always stood out as two of the most amazing days for our 4th graders. I'm sure that this year will be no exception. As you help your child prepare for the trip, please use the packing list that went home earlier this week as a guide for what to bring as well as what not to bring.
A few things to keep in mind...
1. Eating a good breakfast on Tuesday morning:
They may not have a snack until lunch as we'll be traveling and getting situated at camp. They will be busy, mentally and physically, for two days and must have enough fuel to keep going.
2. Dress with layers:
2. Dress with layers:
Please make sure that your child wears layers. The weather can change quickly, and we are outside for most of our time at camp. There are only certain times that students can access their clothing items, so they should be able to add and subtract layers on the go. For example, upon arrival they will be outside without access to their clothing for the first hour or so. I hope that we'll be lucky this year with the weather, but it's always better to be prepared and comfortable! Even if it doesn't raining, the ground will likely be muddy from past rain, so wear appropriate shoes. Wet, muddy feet are the worst!
3. Medications:
Be sure to bring medications to Ms. Brown when you drop your child off Tuesday morning. MEDICATIONS MUST BE IN THEIR ORIGINAL CONTAINER OR THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED ON THE TRIP AND WILL NOT BE GIVEN TO YOUR CHILD.
4. Packing with large plastic bags:
4. Packing with large plastic bags:
The kids are instructed to pack their belongings in large plastic bags. The main reason for this is that upon arriving our bags are unloaded and left outside until for awhile. If it's raining (or if the ground is still muddy from past rains) the bags will protect our clothes and sleeping supplies from getting soaked. Also, our bags will be stuffed in the back of the school bus and pack in better in soft bags rather than rigid suitcases. The more we can squeeze the back, the more room we have in the front to sit. Both bags should be labeled with masking or duct tape that states your child's name (first and last) and ALAMEDA. Bags sometimes get ripped, so please pack an extra bag or two.
5. Lunch for Thursday:
Please make sure your child pack a sack lunch for Tuesday, labeled with their first and last name. Do not pack this in their other belongings. We'll transport our lunches in our lunch tubs to and from camp. If your child is getting a sack lunch from the cafeteria, please remind them to grab that before coming to class Tuesday morning.
6. Pick-Up on Wednesday:
We are scheduled to return to Alameda around 1:30pm. Once we unload the bus and bring all bags back to the classroom, we'll have a recess. The kids normally need this time, especially after being crammed on a bus. Also, it gives them time to socialize and talk about their fun experience. If you'd like to pick your child up early, you are welcome to do so. However, you must check your child out of school in the office before getting them from the classroom or playground. Also, please make sure that you have checked in with me, as well, before taking your child home. If you're not planning on picking up early, school will let out at 3:00pm as normal. Students who normally ride the bus will need other arrangements as their bags will be too much to carry and fit on the buses.
This is all that I can think of right now. If anything else pops in my head, I'll let you know. Feel free to email for any last minute questions as you're packing.
Julie Brown
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