Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Look Into The Classroom

There has been a lot happening lately. Your students have been busy both inside and outside of the classroom.

Run for the Arts
Last Thursday, we had a very successful time Running for the Arts. Your kids did a great job and we were blessed with wonderful weather! Please remember to have your child collect the money pledged to them and return all forms and money by October 28th.

We are one week into unit two of math. Our recent focus has been place value but we will soon go back into multiplication and learn strategies for larger number multiplication.

Last week we  finished up our Land & Water unit. Throughout the unit students conducted experiments to investigate how land and water work together, react to one another and impact our environment. We learned about the water cycle, how streams are formed and the effects of erosion, as well and why dams are built and their effects on the eco-system. After learning about dams, students planned and built a dam to save their city from being flooded. Although many teams had to make adjustments, there was one group that engineer their dam just right and had success on the first run. Ultimately, there was success for most all groups. This unit not only addresses scientific inquiry but allows for students to grow in their abilities to work cooperatively and productively with others, exchanging and building ideas.

Tryon Creek
We had a wonderful time on Monday at Tryon Creek. This was a perfect extension to our Land & Water unit. Students learned about watersheds, walked through nature learning about their surroundings, and explored how water quality impacts nature.

Social Studies

Now that we are finished with Land & Water, we will begin studying Oregon Geography. This is a fun unit where students will explore and learn about the regions, natural resources, and landforms around our state. This unit will include map skills, research through informational text as well as information writing.

Parent-Teacher conferences are coming up Oct 29-30. A reminder of your scheduled time will go home with your child early next week.

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