Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Welcome Room 144 Families

Room 144 Families, 

I hope you are enjoying your summer vacation!  Its hard to believe August is already here - time sure does fly!

I created an email list using the email addresses provided by the district.  Please let me know if you received the email, and whether or not it is the address you'd like me to use throughout the upcoming year.

Also, a letter will be sent home to all families this week with some information about myself and our classroom.  Within the letter I have invited everyone to a class get-together at Wilshire Park on Tuesday, August 26th from 6-7:30, co-hosted by myself, Mrs. Caton, and Mrs. Largo.  I hope your family is able to join us.  It's a great opportunity to connect prior to the first day of school.

Enjoy the last few weeks of summer break!  I can't wait to meet you all, and am excited for our year together!

**Julie Brown

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