Thursday, October 29, 2015

Typing Club

     We have recently started typing practice through a program called Typing Club. This allows me, as the teacher, to assign various lessons for students to complete at a specifided rate and accuracy. Students can also go back and practice already completed lessons. From teacher view, I am able to see how much time each student has spent practicing-- daily, weekly and overall. I am also able to track their rate and level for each lesson.

     Typing will frequently be part of homework in the coming months. For now we'll be practicing in computer lab and students are welcome to practice on their own at home. We have practiced on this site in the computer lab, so they should all know their username and password. In case they don't it is their first name (lower case) followed by 144 (example: suzie144), password: ala144

Always make sure your fingers rest on home row. Do not use your pointer finger to type all the letters!
And remember: "You're not a bird, don't peck!" -Ms. Brown

**A great idea is to cover  your hands with a kitchen towel. That way your brian and fingers have to work together. You might start out not very good but you'll get really good at typing this way!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Parent-Teacher Conference Survey

Fall Conferences give us a chance to discuss academic, behavioral and  social goals for your child. Please take a moment and complete this survey, so I can be better prepared for our discussion. Also, I will send home a conference reminder before the week's end stating the date and time our meeting is scheduled. I appreciate your partnership in helping your child have a successful 4th grade year!
Parent Conference Survey

Monday, October 5, 2015

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, Oct. 7th
Image result for school picture day 
School Pictures: First thing in the morning, before our field trip, we will have our school pictures taken. If you're interested in purchasing pictures, please make sure you're child has brought in picture order form. There are extras outside our classroom door or in the office.

Tryon Creek Field Trip: We will leave at 9:30am to go to Tryon Creek where we will learn about water sheds and more. This field trip serves as an introduction to our upcoming science unit Land & Water. Please make sure you pack your child a lunch on this day as we will eat on site before returning back to school.

Tuesday, Oct. 13th
Run for the Arts: Students will run Tuesday afternoon in our annual Run for the Arts event. Pledge sheets are due Monday, Oct. 12th. If you're interested in helping tally during the event please let me know. I'm looking for 3-4 parent volunteers.