Thursday, June 4, 2015

5th Grade Band (from Mr. Cheek)

Band is open to all 5th grade students, regardless of previous experience. We meet Tuesday through Friday day at 3:00 until 3:35. I ask for a small fee for the class, $75.00 for the full year. I will collect the fee when band starts. This is a great deal compared to over $500 a year for MUSE which is a program at schools that don’t have in house band programs (Irvington for example). This does not include instrument rental. If this is a hardship for your family, please let me know and we’ll work something out.  No one is ever turned away for financial reasons. Band fees are used for clinicians, sheet music and materials, etc.

Instruments can be rented from any one of several music stores in the area, including Music Village in Raleigh Hills, Portland Music on Broadway, Beacock’s Music in Vancouver, Wally’s Music, Lakeside Music and others.  PPS does have a limited number of less expensive instruments for rent, but they are well-used, and students on the free/reduced lunch program are given priority to rent them. PPS does not have any saxophones available at this time, only flutes, clarinets, trumpets and trombones.

But- don’t rent yet!  At the beginning of the year, students will be given the opportunity to try instruments and see which they can have an interest for. Once we are done with our experimenting, students will work with me to select the best choice for them. The band will be made up of trumpets, trombones, flutes, clarinets, saxophones (tenors and altos) a percussion section and three electric basses and two electric guitars.

Attendance and Safety Patrol- If a student wishes to do safety patrol I prefer for them to do it in the morning. I know some students may have a conflict on a certain day of the week, and if they need to miss one day a week, we can still make it work.  Two days out of class every week would be more problematic. Please let me know if your student will be absent from class on a regular basis. I will notify you when band will start. It should be about the third week of school. The play is not a problem. I still have band then with a smaller group and it gives the other kids a little break.

Signing Up- Send an e-mail to me with your student’s name, your name, phone number and any special medical needs.  If you don’t have e-mail, you can leave this information in the Alameda office for me.  The best e-mail address for me is:

I am happy to answer any questions that you have- and I am looking forward to another great year of band.

Sincerely, Tom Cheek

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Field Day & Jr. Rose Parade

Not only is this the second to last week of school but it's a busy week as well. We're finishing up our Oregon Trail journey and are doing our science work sample on electricity! In addition, the Jr. Rose Parade is Wednesday and Field Day is Friday.

Jr Rose Parade: If your child will be attending the parade please return the form sent home yesterday. This lets me know who will be going, what time and with whom. Please do not email about the parade, instead return this form. 

Field Day: Please make sure your child dresses appropriately for field day, it's forecast to be a warm day. Also, make sure they have a water bottle they can take outside with them!