Thursday, April 30, 2015

Oregon Trail Packing List

Dear Families,

The time has come to prepare for the Oregon Trail Overnight.  The following is a list of what your child needs to pack and what he/she is not to bring.
We will leave school at 9:00 am on Thursday, May 7th and return between 1:30-2:30 pm on Friday, May 8thYour child will need a sack lunch for the first day. Everything in the lunch needs to be disposable.  Please write your child’s name on their lunch sack.

Clothing: (Please remember to label all clothing and bedding with your child’s name AND school) Students will carry their own bags so pack accordingly. Students may dress “pioneer style” if they wish. This may mean jeans and boots, or girls may wear long skirts (please wear warm clothes under skirts). Keep in mind that layers work best: long underwear, shirt, sweatshirt, warm jacket, and a coat (think layers). 

Students should bring the following (Pack in a large plastic garbage bag. Use masking tape and a marking pen to write the student’s name and school on the garbage bag. You should use an extra-thick garbage bag – thin bags tear too easily):
  • One full change of clothes besides what is worn on the first day
  • Jeans or heavy pants (girls may substitute a long skirt, but we will be outside most of the day so make sure they’ll be able to stay warm)
  • Shirt or blouse
  • Warm jacket
  • Underwear
  • Extra shoes or boots
  • Raincoat or poncho (You can find emergency rain ponchos for under $2.00 at some stores)
  • Gloves
  • Sweater or sweatshirt
  • Socks (extra pairs are a good idea!)
  • Pajamas – something warm
  • Lunch – packed separately from other gear
  • Sleeping Gear: Students will be carrying all of their own gear and clothing – so pack accordingly! They will also be responsible for unpacking and repacking. Frequently the thin garbage bags rip, and bedding items can get wet.  You may want to send an extra garbage bag, pre-labeled.
  • A sleeping bag or blankets and sheets – the cabins are heated.
  • Pillow with pillow case
Personal Gear (put in a plastic bag or zip lock bag and store with clothes):
  • Wash cloth
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste / floss
  • Brush or comb
  • Hand towel
  • Soap
  • Large plastic bag for wet or dirty items
**Please do NOT bring the following: money, cellular phones, radios/Ipods, electronic games, virtual pets, comic books, pocket knives, jewelry, card games, matches, curling irons, make-up or anything to eat (besides the lunch mentioned above), including candy or gum. (An afternoon snack on the first day and all meals will be provided.) 

Place all medication needed by your child into a Ziploc bag labeled with your child’s name, school and teacher’s name. Give the medication directly to Ms. Brown first thing in the morning on May 7th. **Medication must be in original container! The directions on the prescription label must match exactly what you wrote on the parent/guardian authorization on your child’s health history form.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Hip Hop Dance- Practice!

Here's the final cut of our hip-hop dance so you can practice at home! 
(I left the post below with the link. The link has a clearer picture than the uploaded version)

Newest Dance Video- Link

Practice! Practice! Practice! I'm having problems downloading the newest video of Miss Kerri doing our dance. Until I can get it to download please follow this link: DANCE

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Gus Blog Post

During the week of April 6-April 10 we studied lots of different things. In math we did geo board fractions which is basically splitting geo boards into fractions. Then we did decimals using base 10 pieces. Instead of mats (100) we counted that as 1 unit and a strip (10) was counted as 1/10 of a unit and a regular unit (1) was counted as1/100 of a unit. In science we are studying bones and skeletons. We played a card game where you put each of the bones in the proper major bone group. On Wednesday we did the wax musiem. There were so many great costumes and maps/models. Well thats all for now.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Explorer Wax Mueseum!

Students, you were amazing on Wednesday! Great costumes, wonderful maps and models, and most importantly great speeches! Don't forget to KEEP your NOTE CARDS for when you present your speech this week in class.

Here are a few pictures form the other night:

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Hip Hop Dance

Students: For those of you interested in practicing our hip hop dance at home, here is the video of Miss Carrie performing what we've learned so far. Have fun!

Parents: We will be holding a 4th grade dance assembly to showcase the dances each class learned. This performance assembly will be on May 1st at 1:45 in the cafeteria.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Explorer Project Update

Thank you for listening to and evaluating your child's speech last night. I read through the comments and found you gave some great feedback. Students will be asking you to evaluate them again this evening, please keep giving honest feedback that will help your child improve. Also, make them work for a 3. If they truly earn a 3 great, but feel free to give a 2.5 so they know that even though they've done well there's still room for improvement.

According to the contract the maps and models are due tomorrow, however I have told students that the map/model component is not due till the day of Wax Museum. There is simply not room in the classroom to put everything and it runs the risk for breaking or such as it sits around here a few days.

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding any component of the project.