Monday, February 23, 2015

4th Grade Concert, March 3rd

Mt. Bethel Presbyterian Church | 3541 Rose of Sharon Road, Durham ...Tuesday, 6:30, March 3rd in the Alameda cafeteria. Students need to arrive by 6:20 and meet in their classrooms. The teachers will bring the students to the stage from there.

We will be celebrating Mardi Gras, performing several Mardi Gras songs as well as music by George Gershwin and Duke Ellington and others. I hope to see you all there.

                                Tom Cheek, Music Teacher, Alameda

Recorder Unit in Music

After the concert on March 4th I am starting a recorder unit for fourth grade. I will have recorders for sale for $5 starting now. These recorders are decent instruments. Students need to bring recorders to class starting March 4th. Students may acquire their own from other sources if they wish. I will make sure they are suitable for class  if they do get recorders elsewhere. I have extra recorders for students who forget theirs. I have sanitizer. Please send exact change or a check to Alameda. If this is a financial hardship let me know and I will confidentially provide a recorder for that student.

Tom Cheek, Music Teacher, Alameda

Reading Group Volunteer Opportunities

Updated reading group volunteer sign-up for March!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

NW Native Tribes

Recently we started our NW Native American unit. First we did an overview of six major tribes within Oregon and this week students have begun looking more in-depth at a certain tribe. Today they began the writing process-- putting what they know about the tribe's environment down on paper... or rather saved to a file. They did an amazing job working today-- focused, on task and productive!

Students are also in tribe groups, which will be putting together a growing and evolving backdrop displaying what they're learning about the tribe. We're just in the beginning stages but will soon be hanging on our classroom walls for you to pop in to look at.

and then there was clean up...

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Report Cards Coming Home Friday

144 Families, 

In preparing report cards, I wanted to inform you of a change to the comments section. The district changed the report card platform last year, providing teachers with a variety of applicable comments for students' academic progress and behavior. There is also a feature that allows teachers to modify comments, which the 4th grade team has utilized to more accurately communicate grade level curriculum and academic skills. As a result, the comments section of your child's report card will be more concise.  

​Have a great weekend!

Valentine's Day Party

Please let me know if you're willing to contribute snacks and/or help with a simple Valentine's Day party next Friday from 2:00-2:45.

Thank you!