Thursday, December 4, 2014

Polar Express Movie Night

The Polar Express
When: Thursday, December 18th
Where: Alameda, Room 144
Time: 5:30-8:00pm
Who: Ms. Brown's students. No siblings, friends, or parents.  
What to Bring: Students may bring 1 pillow, 1 blanket, 1 small stuffed animal, and a beverage with a lid (no pop)! I will provide popcorn for the class, please do not send addition snacks with your child.
What to Wear: Pajamas! (optional)

*Please eat dinner before you come

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Passport Explorer: Homework & Websites

Students will start having Passport Explorer homework once a week. They are to choose a country from the month's Passport Club to research. The following are good websites to research various countries. Students are not limited to the following sites, they are simply suggestions. Please talk to your child as you see fit about safely searching the internet.

National Geographic Kids

Fact Monster 
Ducksters (click on the corresponding continent/region then scroll down to find a list of countries)
Kids Science- Countries 
Our Africa (only African countries)
Easy Science for Kids (fairly good selection, poorly organized. Best to use the side bar "Find by Topic" and select the appropriate continent)
Kids World Travel Guide (somewhat limited selection of countries)