Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Multiplication Web Sites

Multiplication Sites to Practice weekly Math Facts
The following are sites I've found to focus on practicing multiplication facts. There are a few sites that allow you to choose which fact(s) you'd like to practice, this is helpful when working on the fact of the week. Students are welcome to practice using web sites, apps, flash cards, card games, or by way of using fact sheets (I have these in class which they are welcome to take anytime).

Monday, September 22, 2014

Important Upcoming Dates

Make sure you mark your calendar for these upcoming events in October!

Oct 8th- Picture Day- We are first thing in the morning so make sure kids are on time

Oct 9th: Run for the Arts- We will be running at 1:10pm, please let me know if you're available and interested in volunteering. I will need about three volunteers to help mark cards

Oct 13th: Tryon Creek- We will leave at 9:30 and return around 1:30-2. Please make sure you send a sack lunch with your child that day, and that they are dressed in warm layers.

Oct 29 & 30th: Parent-Teacher Conferences

The Week Of 9/7/2014

 Last week was super fun! We were studying decimeters. 1 decimeter= 10 centimeters, and since 100 centimeters= 1 meter, 1 decimeter is 1/10 of a meter!

We also studied the water cycle. We built a model by first shaping dirt in a tub, then putting in hot water to form a lake. Before that evaporated we put plastic wrap on the tub and used a rubber band to seal in the water vapor. Then we put an ice pack over the land and waited.

Don't forget area! We did area too! So if you had a wooden platform that was 4 feet on one side and 3 feet on the other, what was the total area? Read on to find out!

Do you have some funny memories about, say, that time you set your neighbor's lawn on fire? Well, here in Ms. Brown's class, we are writing about those memories! Not to say that all of you have set lawns on fire... another fun writing activity (not ack-tivity, they're safe) is C.A.T., although it won't curl up in your lap and purr. It actually means character, action, thing. The C.A.T. that we selected was a puppy, playing soccer, and a rocket ship. The product? Astro dog!
(by the way, 4x3=12. Did you guess that?)

we zoomed past this week so quickly I sure had a lot of fun! I love the reading choices here! Really juicy...

Well, that's all for now. Bye!
By Edie

Monday, September 15, 2014

Sept 2-5

On the first day of forth grade we meet all the students. We did some poems one of them is I am one who and we got to do P.E and music. All of us organized our desks. We also started math we are doing area with hexagons, rhombus, triangles and trapezoids. There is ten jobs and 32 kids so many kids don't get jobs the jobs are lunch tubs, classroom keeper, librarian, teachers assistant. Thats what we did over the week and thats all we are going to post for this week so i hope you read the blog next week! Bye.
by Scarlett Jones

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Welcome Back

We are almost to the end of our second week and I can confidently say that I am very excited for the upcoming school year with this class.

Since school began, Alameda's back to school packet has been sent home with each student, as well as the TFK and planner letter. If you have not yet returned these forms or money please do so as soon as possible.

Cafeteria helper permission slips were also sent home. This is optional but a permission slip must be signed before your child is able to help.

Also, mark your calendar for Back to School Night, Sept 18th from 7-8pm. There is a meeting in the cafeteria prior to BTSN, from 6:30-7, for new families and those interested in hearing from Mr. Lurie and the PTA. I look forward to meeting you all and sharing with you about your child's up coming year!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Specials Schedule

Ms. Brown's Specials Schedule
Day 1:      Music                 9:20-9:50
Day 2:      Library              9:00-9:50 
Day 3:      PE                      9:20-9:50 
Day 4:      Music                 9:20-9:50 
Day 5:      Computers        8:50-9:45 
Day 6:      PE                      9:20-9:50
*On late start Wednesdays we will not go to that day's special

Monday, September 1, 2014

Dismissal Procedures

  • Students who ride the bus need a bus tag. If there is not one already printed for your child on the first day of school, please fill out a blank tag. Bus tags need to be attached to the student’s backpack.

Walking Home:
  • Please write a note, sign and date specifying it is ok for your child to walk home on a given day. If you’d like to send me an email please do so before school starts that day.
  • If your child walks home regularly please send me an email stating which days will be regular walking days. If your child walks home on days other than regular walking days, please write a note for those occasions.

Parent or Guardian pick-up:
  • 4th grade dismisses by the tetherball pole on the east side of the playground.
  • For safety, your child must check out with me before leaving, confirming we both see the adult picking them up.
  • If someone other than you is picking your child up, I need a note, singed and dated by you, specifying who will pick up your child. I am ok with emails but they must be received before school starts on that given day (its not guaranteed I will check my email during the school day).
Please let me know if you have any questions about dismissal procedures.